Long Periods During Perimenopause Irregular Bleeding While On Yasmin Birth Control?

Irregular bleeding while on Yasmin birth control? - long periods during perimenopause

Five months ago, when my doctor me on Yasmin for a long, heavy bleeding due to perimenopause.

Meanwhile, I was a little afraid of my mammogram, and she thought I might have breast cancer. All extracted fine, but it took several weeks to nail biting.

Once the alarm had gone worse with my mother who is ill in the last few years, and was three weeks before his death in hospital. It was a very difficult time.

Meanwhile, I had lots of great places, and if I the pills to fill my time was very heavy and long as before.

I see my doctor for a few months, I will discuss it then.

Is it because of all the stress and tensionbeen made in recent months?


Lostie said...

It can be caused by stress. Moreover, with all birth control pills, there is always a possibility of bleeding. I think I learned that sometimes you may experience a large stain Jasim, as you have.

Thank you sorry for your difficult times. At least I do not think that's all you need to worry about.

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