Kennel Cough Vaccine Side Effects We Are Going On Vacation In July, My Pugs Need Kennel Cough Vaccination?

We are going on vacation in July, my pugs need kennel cough vaccination? - kennel cough vaccine side effects

We have never met before our pugs, and our border is recommending shots for kennel cough are among the Bordetella vaccine, or is there a specific vaccine against kennel cough, you should receive. I called my vet and his secretary is not sure, but thinks that the Bordetella vaccine for kennel cough are also treated. If necessary, how long before boarding, if they do not come one party or side effects?


zoointhe... said...

Kennel Cough and Bordetella are the same. It is better to the vaccine given at least one weeks before exposure to high-risk situations, such as boarding have.

All vacinnation reputable kennel strongly recommend that you protect your animals from becoming infected with kennel cough. It is so easily transmitted from one animal to another. It is cheaper to pay for health care, is a cure. Your Pugg are particularly vulnerable because of the sensitivity of the race for respiratory diseases.
I recognized the link for more information about the disease and the vaccination below.

MLE said...

If the Bordetella vaccine for kennel cough. Vaccinate your children a week before it to them and they will be good.

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