Copd In Dogs Symptoms Diabetic Dog Has Been Diagnosed With COPD. Any Suggestions For Treatment?

Diabetic dog has been diagnosed with COPD. Any suggestions for treatment? - copd in dogs symptoms

She is a fox terrier, TOX, nine. She has diabetes about 3 years. We give insulin every 12 hours. Vet was on antibiotics for COPD, but does not seem to help much. Still breathing the stomach for the most part, instead of his lungs. He coughs a lot and hydrocodone in cough medicines against her and she did not "stoned" all the time. Vividly, sometimes play with toys, etc.


Diana said...

How exactly does the veterinarian diagnose COPD? I ask because COPD most often seen in horses and cats, but very rare in dogs. We tend to see chronic bronchitis and collapse of the trachea (usually in small dogs) in dogs, but not COPD. The two are very different in the cause of the diease and treatment. I feel like a second opinion or further work on it until it is needed here. Radiographs of the chest are the diagnosis. Should be made in several series - back to the inhaling and exhaling, again and again by one-and left-breath. That gives us a better picture of the lungs and trachea, without superimpostition other structures, such as the esophagus.

The chest radiograph shows us that can cough related to heart disease. Enlargement of the heart and / or cardiac murmur may echocardiography, ECG, blood pressure, lead, etc. to assess their situation.

If you your pet is in fact a collapse of the trachea (I think), there are many ways to help control. First, the fight isAntibiotics nothing for the disease - which is not caused by bacteria. The treatment includes muscle relaxation, suppression of cough, and, if necessary, to reduce the inflammation caused by chronic cough. Brethine (terbutaline) is used to relax smooth muscles and reduce the need to cough. Hydrocodone is used to suppress cough. Steroids prednisone and methyl prednisone are used to reduce inflammation. Steroids should be used with caution in dogs with diabetes, because in May this year more difficult to manage your diabetes. A short course of steroids may be good, but if you are chronic steroid treatment, you work closely with your veterinarian to make sure that your diabetes is well maintained, if the long-term control.

Keep your dog on a cool breath wish to be recommended, and keep your dog in optimal body weight, or slightly below. Obesity can aggravate respiratory and heart ailments. The things to avoid around your neck like Collor, mufflers, etc. Many of the activation of the cough.

Pollutants can certainly irritate the trachea, so that ifNo smoking, they should consider leaving, or leave. You should also avoid aerosols, heavy Purfume, etc. around. Allergies are usually a component of the disease in humans, because dogs do not have much of histamine receptors in the airways, but especially in their gastrointestinal tract and skin.

Not recommended After reading the first reply to your dogs diet, without the express permission of your vet, as it can be devastating for the management of diabetes your pet. Even if your dog has eaten the dog food is the GI tract may not be appropriate for a diet of raw meat and can give his pancreatitis. Worsen diabetes and pancreatitis, as the case may be potentially fatal. I think this recommendation comepletely irresponsible.

Good luck! There seems to be very careful.

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